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FreeFly Burning-Plaza
23.08.17 19:46

: FreeFly Burning-Plaza


In this game you have to control the flying spherical drones in different game modes, performing various tasks and setting new records. You will blow up barrels of fuel, sweep everything in your way, fly using the turbo-mode at checkpoints, burn vegetation, confront your opponents, organize battles, drop bombs, and open new game modes. In the game, there are many explosions, action, fire, heat, which make the gameplay more dynamic. Dodge the missiles of enemies, shoot accurately at the target, destroy everything in your way! The project is worked out with the help of Unreal Engine 4. If the game becomes popular enough, we are going to add some pumping for your drones, more game modes and a host of other things.

A short list of all the innovations:

1. Convenient management;
2. Good graphic component, an opportunity to adjust it for yourself;
3. Various game modes that will be supplemented with time;
4. Many explosions, fire and other effects;
5. Game location with a wide variety of objects;
6. Availability of the combat system, i.e. battles with enemy drones;
7. Guarantee to spend your free time with pleasure if you like fast flights;In this game you have to control the flying spherical drones in different game modes, performing various tasks and setting new records. You will blow up barrels of fuel, sweep everything in your way, fly using the turbo-mode at checkpoints, burn vegetation, confront your opponents, organize battles, drop bombs, and open new game modes. In the game, there are many explosions, action, fire, heat, which make the gameplay more dynamic. Dodge the missiles of enemies, shoot accurately at the target, destroy everything in your way! The project is worked out with the help of Unreal Engine 4. If the game becomes popular enough, we are going to add some pum...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Action
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 984
Größe: 1,11 GB

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