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Heaven and Hell 2-F4Cg
16.08.17 21:43

: Heaven and Hell 2-F4Cg


When little Mephistino goes to school, he does what any little devil loves to do most - play pranks on the teachers and get himself into a lot of trouble. Accompany Mephistino on his way and help keep him out of trouble. Complete tasks, recover lost artifacts and discover new types of puzzles. Have hours of fun in this funny and engaging Match 3 game.

Match 3 gameplay with gorgeous visuals
Over 200 challenging levels
3 gameplay modes: swap, puzzle, groups
Powerful bonuses and special bonuses
Bonus block sliding puzzlesWhen little Mephistino goes to school, he does what any little devil loves to do most - play pranks on the teachers and get himself into a lot of trouble. Accompany Mephistino on his way and help keep him out of trouble. Complete tasks, recover lost artifacts and discover new types of puzzles. Have hours of fun in this funny and engaging Match 3 game.

Match 3 gameplay with gorgeous visuals
Over 200 challenging levels
3 gameplay modes: swap, puzzle, groups
Powerful bonuses and special bonuses
Bonus block sliding puzzles...

Kategorie: Win
Release Jahr: N/A
Genre: Puzzle
Dauer: N/A
Format: N/A
Hits: 394
Größe: 70 MB

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